Rolls Royce Phantom Gold Car - $8.2 Million

After trying his hand at History Supreme, the world most expensive yacht, modern-day Midas, Stuart Hughes has now decided to collaborate with Swiss company Eurocash AG, to come out with a Rolls Royce Phantom Solid Gold Car.

This exclusive customized version of the car which is already known by some as the most luxurious in the world, has been given some further additions. The vehicle carries a total of 120 kg of 18K gold in different parts such as the front grill, side trims, boot handle, wheels, etc.

Since the demand of the buyer was something safe along with being special, the car has been fully armored with protection for machine guns and ballistic missiles with certifications from the Governmental Beschussant Muchen, which tested the car’s security features. Also, some of the gold which was used in the interiors was done by first creating moulds of the components, and then applying the malleable precious metal to decorate them. For the outside, golden veneers were created for the bejewelment of this super car.

As mentioned earlier, this version of the car is an exclusive made to order piece for a businessman in the gulf who had to wait close to 18 months for it to be completed. This Golden Phantom happens to be the most expensive version of the car costing more than $8.2 million to its buyer. This looks appealing to the eyes but one might need to spend some more on this car just to keep it secure as the gold trimmings would certainly grab eye-balls from all corners.


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